About Dorchfest

About Dorchfest

Dorchfest was founded in 2022 with the express purpose of bringing diverse musical acts to the Ashmont Adams neighborhood of Dorchester. In the first year, more than 3,000 people rode the red line or buses, bicycled, walked and drove to the neighborhood to enjoy the 45 bands that performed on porches, yards, parking lots and patios throughout the neighborhood.

Dorchfest differs from other porchfest-style celebrations in one critical way: We pay our performers. We believe that musicians bring a massive benefit to our community, and committing to a summer Saturday is difficult without compensation. By paying our musicians, we ensure that the performers who play at Dorchfest are high quality, diverse and enjoyable for the audience.

We thank you, the community, for making this event possible. 

Dorchfest is organized by the Ashmont Adams Neighborhood Association and Greater Ashmont Main Streets.


Committee Members:

Elana Gaines | Erin Caldwell | Cindie Fadden | Rachel Felix | Diana Peck | Gail Ravgiala |  Lara Schkordoff | Andrea Light | Emmy Rainwalker | Julie Garvey